The weather finally cleared up and Nathan can perform outside again.
He sometimes has a gig, but somehow my photos of them are always very dark. Have to work on the lighting, I guess.
Random unicorn, because pretty.
Nathan and Joe go to a party at the Mithrilen´s. The house is impressive. Nothing really happens, apart from Joe reading a good night story to one of the boys.
It even works.
Steven has his adult birthday.
Steven: Don´t I look smashing with that hair?
What´s with you and that hair?? Okay, fine. But don´t come crying, when your ears get cold.
Violetta got a bit stir crazy, so I send her and Paul to a date at the Renaissance fair. Paul is still working, he never wished to retire, so I let him keep his job, which is only 3 days a week at level 10 anyway. I don´t play a wishacy, but I do tend to fulfill my sims wishes. Apart from things like the teenage mood swing wish „stop beeing friend with …“ and the midlife crisis divorce wish, if the marriage is obviously a happy one.
I left Vi and Paul there on their own, and when I came back, they were playing for tips at opposite sides of the lot. Okay then.
Star here on the other hand plays for tips to increase her charisma, to help with her lifetime wish of golden tongue, golden fingers. As you can see, she already mastered the guitar. I don´t know, what the cats are doing there. The park is a long way from home, so someone must have taken them with the car.
I just don´t know who, because no one has a high enough relationship with Sybil to pick her up. I had to sent Violetta to take her home.
Steven and Joe´s age got out of synch – Joe now somehow is a day younger.
He always plays in the sprinkler, so he always shows up in his swimtrunks.
No midlife crisis. Good boy. Steven, too.
Violetta wanted to serenade Paul.
Another attempt to improve something, I think it was a chair. This one didn´t work – the chair now screeched like the fire alarm, if someone sat on it. I sold it really quick.
The cats tend to sleep in the beds.
So Star has to sleep in the spare bed. Dreaming of children. It will happen, I promise.
Even though your husband seems to have a problem.
Steven: Why´s she screaming like that? That´s not cute.
Nathan: She´s hungry, you imbecile. Aren´t you a teacher?
Steven: Yeah, but those kids aren´t that small.
She won´t be small any longer, though.
Because today is her birthday!
Amber takes her to the cake.
Kisa: My parents are kinda ignoring me.
Yeah, they tend to see only each other. Which is cute, in a way. But not nice for you, I guess.
Kisa: Never mind. I just clean up a bit.
She rolled perfectionist, her other traits are loner and disciplined. I don´t know, if I should feel sorry for her.
Paul wished to give her a present, and Kisa wished for a logic book. Two birds with one stone.
Nathan read her to sleep.
Good night.