This is autonomous. I love it, if my sims do these things.
And here we have the empress of evil reading her son to sleep.
With a children-appropriate book.
So cute!
As is this.
And this!
Stop it, already!
The indian clothes were on sale. Fiona looks awesome!
And we have people violating the bedrooms. Must be a party.
Here´s Eddy. I actually moved him out, as soon as Randolph grew up to a child, because he´s really boring.
He adopted two giant dogs. This is Gulliver.
Susan: … don´t even think about it!
The birthday girl doesn´t seem to be in a hurry to grow up.
I made Susan sniff him.
Susan: This is animal abuse!
Those two never stop.
Catherine: I like the hat.
Yeah, but I´m not sure about the coat. It´s summer.
Catherine: That´s nice, but where´s my hat??
With your formal clothes. I think.
She rolls cat person.
I like her nightgown.
Cathrine: That´s so chliché!
But it suits you!
Pauline´s lifebar is full and her mum is still alive. I think she´s glitched. And this picture is just creepy.
Star: Snake!
Shaoran took Catherine and Randolph flying.
Jk, the pool didn´t render.
Shaoran: Do you like the water?
Randolph: NO! Something is dragging me down!
Catherine: That would be your winter clothes, doofus.
He retreats to safety and reads a book.
Here we have some grandchild-grandma bonding.
Pauline: Should we go inside the house?
Catherine: Nah, I´m good. Will you make your move already??
Someone bought this guy at the festival.
I searched for Randolph and found him still at school, chatting about his mom with someone. His bathing suit is actually a good choice in this rain.
And in the evening…
Pauline: I didn´t finish my game!
Pauline: Can I please just finish my chess match?
Grim: NO.
Pauline: Drat.
Yeah, Star, your daughter just died of old age, and you are still around.
So I triggered her age transition when she reached 200 days. I´m playing with 128 days now. This is ridiculous.
Still feel like a murderer, though.
I would have totally quit without saving, if she had begged for her life. But she seems to be cool with it.
Surprisingly, Fiona seems to be the most upset.
She also gets Star´s inventory.
Oh, hey, Pauline.
And she finishes her game!
Pauline: You could play with Fiona now.
Catherine: Puleeze, she totally sucks!
Goodbye, both of you!