Last time Shaoran died, but he´s already back for a visit.
Miles rolled the wish to sparr with someone, so…
It takes a while.
Beverly has an opportunity from work to give out flyers in the park. She meets this charming guy, who returns her attraction, doesn´t feel repelled by her after two seconds and is SINGLE!
Go for the kill, Bev!
And now he´s ours. Moved in and everything.
His name is Wigbald Landgraab-Riese (I don´t know, how my game comes up with these names), he´s athletic, a diva, frugal, a cat person and good, of all things. Well, he shares two traits with Beverly, frugal and diva, and obviously only a diva can tolerate another diva. But Bev is evil. Could be interesting.
His lifetime wish is seaside saviour, which could be a bit difficult in Lunar Lakes. He´s also already Level 6 in the science career, so perhaps I´ll change his LTW to creature-robot crossbreeder if he gets enough happiness points.
Another park for a flyer opportunity. She has to give out five, but only two people show up. Becoming a famous actor is hard.
Fiona paints this picture of Sunset Valley. I should play there again…
The last single is Catherine. I plopped some sims in town for her, because everyone is married! Cathy is bi, but she rolls more wishes for women.
This is Mary Dragonfly, a second generation djinn.
Cathy likes her a lot, but she isn´t responsive at all.
Mary: Meh.
Beverly ages up. Catherine won´t, for a long time. I have vampire aging on, but their lifespan is really long.
This vampire is waiting for her elderly husband, who still works as an astronaut.
His lifebar is full. It´s just a matter of time.
Gabby: Don´t remind me. Makes me sad.
They do things like this autonomously all the time.
Grumpy Miles really lucked out with his wife.
This is Isolde (my game again) Dragonfly, Mary´s older sister. She´s also a djinn.
As a couchpotato, she instantly makes herself at home.
Wigbald tries ballet.
So elegant.
And Catherine reaches her LTW. She´s a star news anchor!
As a reward, she meets Isolde at the festival. Things are going well.
Aw, I missed the shot of their first kiss.
Isolde: Sooo, any ideas how to spend the rest of the evening?
Catherine: How about stargazing?
Isolde: What a splendid idea! Just what I had in mind!
Yeah, sure.
Isolde has to go unfortunately, so Cathy is stuck with Fiona.
Catherine: I will so totally beat her!
Fiona: We´ll see about that.
I took my ages to get this shot.
And Fiona wins.
Catherine: That´s just because I couldn´t get the apples off my fangs!
Fiona: Sucker.