I realized, that Paul´s lifetime bar is full.
Those two are still totally cute together.
And here we have the wannabe-grump again.
Steven: She´s just so cuuuuuuuuuute! Can I have one myself?
Yes. Eventually.
Paul pimps up another cot. This one gives the „nicely decorated“ moodlet. The other one the „new stuff“ moodlet. Considering, that babies and toddlers don´t have very much positive moodlets working for them, this is very usefull.
Chatting with Kisa.
It seems to be a fascinating conversation.
But cuddling is also good.
Paul: Have you seen my new pictures of Kisa?
Nathan: They are very nice, Dad! Just excuse me for a second…
Random teen: Trick or treat!
Nathan: … You do realize it´s spring, right?
Joe gets ambushed again.
Really, Aine? You are a doctor yourself, and standing right outside of the hospital. Did you HAVE to bother your collegue, who´s already stressed out?
No wonder Joe has to play in the sprinkler till he´s blue, to fill his fun bar.
Sigh. Go inside and play with the baby.
I don´t know, why all this conversations are in the bathroom.
Kisa plays nice with Mr. Green for a change.
I know my game gets a bit wonky, when there´s wildlife everywhere.
Sybil: NO deers inside the house!
So there was a deer…
… a tired little dog…
… a racoon…
… and another dog. No horse, though.