It´s Spooky Day!
Amber: My mom is wearing my costume! And there´s a child running around!
Jaron: That´s your nephew, dear. Let´s wohoo in your parent´s bed, for old times sake!
Violetta is indeed wearing the same dress. For some reason, this child thinks, she´s really boring. Rude!
I bought a bar.
Nathan: Oooops! *rolls wish to improve bartending*
Very good idea.
Kisa and Pauline are also wearing very similar costumes.
And are gossiping about the dress choices of some guests.
This party really rocks. Perhaps I should have let them carve a few pumpkins?
Well, the food seems to be good.
I most definitely won´t make a joke about playing doctor.
Did Joe nab these coats at work?
Kisa grows up to young adult!
Nice outfit choice.
She looks a lot like her mum.
To be exact, they look exactly the same, apart from the eyecolour (well, and the wings). On the left Amber, on the right Kisa.
Ah, I don´t care. Kisa has a totally different character anyway.
I noticed, the fountain stopps sometime during the night. Nice touch.
Violetta and Steven decide to play football.
Steven looks muscular, but he has in fact only one or two athletic skill points.
So Violetta totally kicks his cute behind.
I will really miss her.
Now I understand your talking about Sim-genetics the other day… Kisa really looks like her grandmother and I love her wings.
Sis, that´s her mom, not her grandma. :p
Ooops, next time I‘ll check the familytree First.