152 Blowing up the chemistry table

Jan feels sick.

This time it´s a double birthday.

First Celia.

She rolls loves the heat.

ELIZA is playing the piano. I don´t think, her hands are made for that.


And now Andromeda.

Good girl. She rolls animal lover.

Jan gets his notice.

ELIZA is still there, now she plays the harp thing from the future.

They both wanted to read a pregnancy book.

Hi, Sebastian!

Celia is very into sports. Don´t know why, she´s not athletic.

What´s this sudden obsession with musial instruments? Where did you even get that??

ELIZA: Found it in my pocket.

Of course.

And stealing energy again. She goes home after that.

Kosta playing with magic. I always forget, that he´s a witch. Celia is, too, by the way.

She blew herself up at the chemistry table and didn´t bother to shower.

Hi, Randolph and Connie!

Celia wakes up early enough, to tell Connie about her accident at the chemistry table.

Kosta and Ingrid being cute.


Jan: Ugh, that hurts. What´s happening?


Celia: *incoherent screaming*

Jan: Child. Go, take a shower.

Jan: But seriously, did I eat something wrong?

No, you are giving birth.

Jan: WHAT??

I thought, you knew. It´s not that bad, though…


Jan: Oh, that was worth it, I guess.

Little Henry rolls neurotic and heavy sleeper.

I wanted Conall to greet his son, but he´s otherwise occupied.

It´s a beautiful night.

Conall shows the strongest reaction to an abduction so far. He seems seriously ill.

Conall: You don´t want to know, what that old fart did to me.

Poor guy.

Conall: I will maul him, when I feel better.

Yes, go totally werewolf on him.

Then he finally could hold his child.

Conall: He´s so cute!

Good thing, you´re a werewolf, so there´s no chance of alien siblings.

151 Moar birthdays and a wedding

Ingrid ages up into an elder.

Can we speak about the hair?

Ingrid: I kind of like it.


ELIZA is driving me totally bonkers, I don´t even really know, why. Storm installs the sentience trait chip (which causes Emit´s hologram to appear), then they move out. I need space for another baby.

The magician gnome chose an interesting spot. Maybe he wanted a stage.

Cathy and Isolde are still cute.

Miles is still grumpy. I hope, Milli doesn´t follow her mum´s career in the fairy drug Mob.

Conall ages up to adult.

Conall: Can I stay like this?


Conall: Okay, but why do I have to totally dress up?

Because you are getting married now.

Conall: Oh. Okay, then.

I changed Miles´ outfit.

Jan: I´m so nervous.

Conall: We´re just getting married. Calm down.

Jan: But I´m so excited!

*punches Conall in the nether regions*

Conall: Ouch!

Conall: Whatever did you do that for?!

Jan: … sorry.

It went smoothly after that.





Jan: So after the cake we can have our wedding night?

Conall: You think anything is working, after you punched me like that?

Jan: … what?

Conall was joking, of course. They got rid of their wedding suits right away.

(I don´t know, where Conall got that nail polish from. I gave Jan the black one, but non to Conall. Perhaps he just wanted to be glittery. We won´t tell him that it clashes with his hair).

Storm and ELIZA stay to play some catch.

Miles plays in the sprinklers then spends the night on the computer.

Okay, that´s kinda rude. Please go now.

150 Some birthdays and a wedding

It´s chapter 150! Yay!

Jan ages up on the job.

Jan: Still not bad, huh?

Yeah, but we´ll have to change that hair.

Funnily enough, he´s at Milli´s and Guadelupe´s home.

They got married recently (and got an incontinent puppy).

Jan: I think, I shall take my leave.

Yes, there´s some panic at home anyway.


Little Andromeda rolls loner and absent-minded.

And it´s time for Celia´s birthday.

Aw, she has her Dad´s hair and ears!

Let´s age up Andromeda, too, while we are at it.

That´s her Mom´s hair and her Dad´s ears. Nice.

Mortimer begins a statue. I let it stand there for ages, but he never finished it.

Reading together.

This is a cute glitch. It´s actually Kosta teaching Andromeda to talk, but the game got confused about her position.

Now it looks, as if she´s sitting in his lap, which is totally adorable.


Moritz asks Luna again to marry him.

She says yes this time!


And Storm ages up to elder.

She instantly developes a love for the rocking chair.

But she doesn´t stay there very long. Storm is a busy sim.

Miles looking fabulous.

Miles: What am I doing here?

It´s a wedding.

He bonds with his daughter Catherine about plasma-juice.

Celia and Andromeda being cute.

I don´t know, what is up with Rowan. He should be Kisa´s age, who is long gone. I think, I placed a wrong copy of him in Hidden Springs, but it doesn´t really matter anyway. Just kind of funny.

Storm provides drinks.

This doesn´t look so good.

Moritz: I just said, she´s perhaps a bit underdressed.

Luna: I want to be comfy at my own wedding. Are you marrying me, or some clothes?

I designed such a nice wedding dress for you. Insane sims.

The crisis was averted, it seems.



Luna: The cake is all mine!


Luna: Okay, but I want a big slice.

Rowan does all the dishes. He really is a nice sim to have around.

Storm boasts about her granddaughter´s hidden trait: Immune to fire.

Catherine stays a bit longer.

149 Plumbot

Storm made a plumbot! This is ELIZA. Because Storm has already mastered bot-building, she´s a top quality bot (future tech) and has already 7 trait-chip slots.

For now, she has Competent Cleaner, HandiBot, RoboNanny, Solar Powered and Limitless Learning.

Meaning, she is a steel maid.

The reflection on her head has rooms without furniture. Spooky.

Paul randomly scaring his wife. Cheer up, Violetta, the next generation is due.

Someone isn´t feeling that well.


All better now.

Moritz has his adult birthday.

Moritz: How do I look?

Luna: Still hot!

ELIZA has some skilling to do.

Later she goes to the park for some socializing. And roller skating. Without actual roller skates. And tripping.

Sweetie, you don´t have feet. How can you trip?

ELIZA: Can´t escape the programming.

Conall and Jan being cute.

Moritz asks Storm for Luna´s hand in marriage. For some reason they hide behind the house.


Storm gives her blessing.


Would have been a bit awkward, if she didn´t.

Luna still feels sick after getting her notification.

Luna: It happens!

Yes, in real life, but seldom in the sims.

Ready to become a dad, Kosta?

Kosta: What, already??

Have you been shopping together?

Luna: Who cares?? Labour!

Ingrid: What, who?

Ingrid: OW!

Luna: Well, I´ve done my part.

Ingrid: I´m getting a baby and you are just sitting there?

Luna: Well, I´m pregnat myself, aren´t I? Have to relax and stuff.

So here we have little Celia.

She rolls good and heavy sleeper.

Storm: She´s so cute!

Jan enjoys ghost busting.

And it´s Kosta´s birthday. Sorry, no party.

Kosta: That´s quite alright.

He´s such a mellow sim.

Everyone loves Celia.




I think, we need another one.

Luna: I´m working on it.

148 Bachelor party

Last time we had a lot of romance in China. No reason to stop with it back in Hidden Springs.

Milli: I´m outta here.

Conall and Jan wanted to do some karaoke.

They are not very good, but they are having fun.

Conall, we have guests, please stop the floating.

Gabby and Miles seem to be still madly in love.

This is a very pretty werewolf. I wrote down her name somewhere. Have to look it up when I´m back in game, she´s still around.

It´s Milli´s birthday.

Milli: You can stop now.

Storm: *tooooooooooooooot*

Milli rolls brave.

And now I have to perform some plastic surgery. That´s her teeth clipping through her cheeks.

Her jaw is too small.

That´s better. There´s still some teeth showing in this picture, but it was gone in the next frame.

I could have done more, but then she wouldn´t have looked like herself anymore.

Rowan and Milli bond over their shared trait, brave. Good sims to have around in case of a fire.

The next day there´s graduation.

Miles walks his dog again.

Kisa died. I placed her gravestone between her husbands, Liang and Teodor.

Moritz writes his latest book.

And done!

And lifetime wish achieved!

Some more points for finishing the book.

As an avant-garde sim, Milli has to critize every „art“ she encounters.

Jan wanted to become a ghost hunter. His lifetime wish isn´t bound to a job, so why not? Except, that it´s glitchy. But fun.

He also wants a bachelor pary. Conall, did you loose a bet?

Conall: I don´t want to talk about it.

Jan: *giggles*


On the left is Milli´s romantic interest from prom, Guadelupe Earthsong.

The dancers, as usual, choose the most inappropriate room for their show.

I like, that the game adapts to the sexual orientation of the sim. Jan seems to be having fun.

Jan: Nice butt!

Ingrid appreciates it, too.

In fact, nearly everyone does.

Guadelupe seems to be a nice guy. Milli asks him to be her boyfriend.

Ingrid does a speach for Jan. I think, it was embarassing.

I don´t know, what Marina is doing, but judging by Rowan´s reaction, she´s dealing with some fairy drugs.

Ingrid: I want a baby.

Kosta: What, now?

Ingrid: Yes. Get going!

Kosta: Just a sec…

She collapses a moment later, so no babies today.

Some others had fun, though. It´s a raging party!

Nearly everyone seems to be drunk.

Or it´s the fairy drugs.


Some of the guests stay until morning. Seems like a successfull party.

147 Romance in China

Conall as a werewolf still has no table manners.

But he likes to take bubble baths.

Conall: Please go away.


Milli did something. Don´t know, what.

Wait for it…

Tadaa! Lifetime wish achieved!

Isolde seems to be in a hurry.

Kosta completed his lifetime wish some time ago. He´s now a mad scientist.

Nothing much going on here right now…

So let´s travel to China!

Moritz: Wow, a whole new country! Let´s play computer games!

Milli: I brought Dan.

I already told your grandmother that I did not want the dragons in China.

I have three couples to marry. Let´s start with the first one.

This skirt is not made for kneeling.

But who cares.

Those two are practically married anyway, so they have a nice little private ceromony.



Ok, you can run off now, to do whatever you want.

Next one!




She turns him down! Damn insane sims! I should have made her do the asking. Now I have to wait, until the moodlet expires.

Back at the camp, Milli plays hacky sack with Jan.

I send him to see Conall, so she goes dancing instead.

That face really is a bit weird.

Milli: What´s with my face?

Nevermind, you´re cute.

Conall is sparring with someone.


He wins! He should, he has a higher rank, but you never know.

Beautiful china.

Conall and Jan aren´t even officially a couple yet, but they are eager to change that.



Perhaps a bit fast, but I lost patience.

Conall nearly drops the ring. I always forget, that he is clumsy.

Jan, as a sensible person, says yes. Looking at you, Luna!



More beautiful China.






It was a long day.

Milli does a bit of exploring the next day.

She finds… something, then she gets hungry. It´s just for fun anyway, so she goes back up.

Conall was nearby and a bit stinky. I clicked on his moodlet, expecting him to wash his hands, but instead he decided to take a dip in the well.

Conall: I feel a bit drenched.

That´s entirely your fault.

As he is already down there, he does a bit of looting.

Then it´s already time to return home.

It´s a sims pile! Ingrid is the most sensible one.

Luna gets left behind.

But she has a car in her pocket.

146 A lot of death

Milli ages up to a teenager.

She rolls photographer´s eye.

Kisa: My, she looks just like her dad!

Yeah, she does.

Poor girl has a really flat face.

Jake Preston really does not make pretty kids.

Jake: Hey!

Just saying.

Kisa then adds to Conall´s growing collection of gems.


Luna has a close encounter with Randolph.

Miles and Gabby´s house is up the street. They sometimes walk by with their dogs.

Miles seems to like his spacesuit. Perhaps it´s comfy.

Catherine visits out of the blue. I don´t know, why I gave her that outfit.

Why are you her, Cathy?

Catherine: I just wanted to play the drums.


Jan most certainly got his grandma´s haircolour.

She stays for a while, chatting.

Lots of redheads around. I´m curious for their kids.

Speaking of. It´s really time for the next generation, but I had the tiny problem of my elders living way past their lifespan of 128 days, not just in the active household, but all over town. With the EA programming, a sim has a certain chance to die each day, after they reach the end of their lifespan. Depending on the setting, it´s a really low number, and it doesn´t accumulate. So I downloaded a mod from modthesims, to increase the chance of dying to 33 % per day.

Scott is the first to go.



He seems to be ok with it.


Xena is next.


She most definitly is not ok with it, but as usual, Grim can´t be persuaded.


I made sure, they spend a lot of time together.

Sebastian is last.


Grim got routing issues, so I don´t know, what Sebastian´s reaction was.

Sorry, Storm. As a djinn, she has double the lifespan of a normal sim, so she will be around for quite a bit.

Some soothing landscape after all the drama.

Goodbye, Scott!

Goodbye, Sebastian!

Goodbye, Xena!

Love you all!

145 Working on lifetime wishes

Milli has the men of the family wrapped around her little finger.

Everyone wants to care for her.

For some reason Moritz and Luna graduate at home.


They still go to city hall, though.

Building logic can be fun!

Random beautiful landscape.

Milli decides to sleep in the fairy house.

Her grandma Kisa is still around.

Sebastian and Storm being cute.

And it´s time for Milli´s birthday!

She rolls avant garde. Never had that before.

She has none of her mom´s colouring, which is a bit disappointing.

But she´s still cute.

Gabby and Miles stay a bit longer.

It´s also Ingrid´s birthday.

She has a private party.

Sebastian tries to read Milli to sleep.

It doesn´t work.

Milli: I´m sooo tired! Read another one!

Sebastian: Help. Please.


Conall has returned to his old weight. I like him better this way.

Everyone is working hard on their lifetime wish.

We have a police car now!

Which I seem to have misplaced in the meantime. Mmh.



A bit relaxation is in order.

Talking to mom.

Also talking to mom.

Anyone tired of landscape pictures?

Because I´m not.



144 Surprise toddler

Luna ages up to adult. She rolls insane. Her lifetime wish is to become a forensic specialist: dynamic DNA profiler.

And of course, it´s Moritz´s birthday, too.

He rolls ambitious. His lifetime wish is professional author.

Here we have adult Luna.

And here we have toddler Milli.

Ok, who´s Milli?

So, I got the notice, that Marina gave birth to a baby girl. I sent Ingrid to investigate. The baby daddy is Jake Preston, who was at Marina´s house at that moment, even if he doesn´t live there. They are not even romantic interests, and he´s engaged to another woman (Emmaline Rhoen). It´s just a fling, I guess?

I kind of don´t like him, and they left the toddler in the snow to wohoo.

So I kidnapped her. Milli is good and friendly and a total cutey pie.

Conall has to brake up with Dany Shue.

Dany is not happy.

Neither is Conall.

In hindsight, I regret this – because at this point I threw my own rules out of the window and mixed the lineage.

Everyone loves Milli.




She´s so cute.



Conall´s lifetime wish is not bound to a job and he wants to become an author. So unlike Moritz, he writes just for fun.

Random picture of beautiful landscape.

It´s Jan´s birthday. Dany is invited and tells everyone, how Conall broke his heart. I´m sorry, ok?!


He rolls childish. His lifetime wish is perfect mind, perfect body.

Rowan´s son Olaf is evil. He steals Milli´s candy!

Marina thinks, it was a great party. She didn´t try to interact with her daughter once.

Kosta also think, it was a great party, but that´s probably because he got some.

Crystal stays a bit longer.

There may be some flirting going on. Sure, go ahead.

143 Lots of snow

Conall aged up last time, so now he graduates!

Sebastian decides to make a snow angel in front of the city hall.

Jan and Conall can´t do very much now, because Jan is still a teenager.

Conall: That´s ok.

Conall also has to yell at Jan, when he places a prank in the shower.

But they can hug it out afterwards.

Yep, looking good.

The massage table is always popular.

Scott plays for Xena. She seems thrilled.

Storm needs some special nanites for her bot-building. So I placed all of them on some community lot.

Sebastian catches them for her.

Hidden Springs is still pretty.



Ingrid has a show.

Kosta helps.

She looks like Zatanna from DC Comics. But with less cleavage.

Kisa is old.

She also lost her husband, Teodor, which is sad.

We make Luna´s IF Moritz into a real sim!

He´s a couch potato, a loser, eco-friendly and hydrophobic, which are pretty horrible traits, but he seems to be a nice sim anyway.

He´s also a face one, so I made him over. Now he looks a bit like a vulcan.

One of his first wishes was to place a stink bomb. I´ve never let a sim do that, so why not?

Sadly, it didn´t do much.

Conall is working out a lot, so he´s really slim now. Don´t know, if I like it.

Playing with the future son-in-law. Perhaps.

Sebastian is at the graveyard for some reason and makes this snowman.

Sebastian: We are all going to die.

Uhm… Let´s go home? There´s a party.

Because it´s snowflake day.

Everyone is having fun.

I don´t know, what Kisa said.

Snowflake day indeed!